Trip to the Dentist today

Having had 7 children and not great teeth to start with due to bad dental care in the 60’s and no fluoride in the water, I then lost two huge pieces from 2 separate teeth in the last month so went back to my old dentist who is now private practice only and had a check up. Bad news is I need a lot of work and it is going to take time, several crowns and remedial work and whitening to make matching the ceramics easier and all at a grand cost of £4,000!!!

It is going to be done in stages though and for the first time ever I am actually looking forward to having it done as it will make such a difference to me. Plus I want to have my own teeth when I am 75 not dentures!

Do you know they even offer Botox and dermal fillers at the dentist these days?!!! Mmmmm maybe in a few years???!!!

Have a great day!

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