Home made honeycomb

I have never made honeycomb before but it is soooo easy, only don’t try it before it is cool, I burnt my tongue – ouch!

It is really delicious. You need 80g butter, 160g caster sugar and 80g golden syrup, heat gently until sugar is dissolved and then rapidly boil for 5 mins but DO NOT STIR!! When it is a nice golden honeycomb colour take off the heat add 2 tsps bicarb – watch it rise and bubble and then pour into a tin to set. If you want thick light, bubbly honeycomb don’t spread it out like I did, either way it is delicious and so easy!!


Salted Caramel sauce

My new love is salted caramel, it is beyond words! The combination of creamy sweetness and then the salt – but not just any old salt, it has to be fleur de sel which is quite easily obtainable. I will never again buy caramel it is just heavenly and far, far nicer than any shop bought – do try it!

4oz sugar
1 1 /2 oz butter
2 fl oz double cream
1 tsp fleur de sel

Melt the sugar over a medium heat and when it turns a deep amber colour add the butter and whisk until melted. Add the fleur de sel and cream, take off the heat and whisk until smooth. Easy!

You can fill cakes, pour over ice cream, whatever you desire!
